Международный договор
Соглашение от 17 августа 2007 года

Соглашение между Правительством Российской Федерации и Правительством Португальской Республики о досрочном погашении долга> [англ.]

Правительством Российской Федерации
17 августа 2007 года,
Правительством Португальской Республики
17 августа 2007 года
    Whereas the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Portuguese Republic have entered into bilateral agreements implementing the Paris Club Agreement with the Government of the Russian Federation on the Debt Due to Foreign Official Creditors of April 29, 1996 (the "1996 Paris Club Agreement") and the Paris Club Agreed Minutes on the Reorganization of the Debt of the Russian Federation of August 1, 1999 (the "1999 Paris Club Agreement").
    Whereas the Government of the Russian Federation desires to prepay, and the Government of the Portuguese Republic desires to receive early, all amounts due under the above-mentioned bilateral agreements.
    The Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Portuguese Republic agree as follows:
    Article I Preliminary provision The Government of the Portuguese Republic agrees to accept the early repayment in full on the terms set forth herein (the "Early Repayment") of the entirety of the Eligible Debt of the Russian Federation referred to in Article II below.
    Article II Debts concerned The debts of the Russian Federation to the Government of the Portuguese Republic subject to early repayment ("Eligible Debts") are:
    a) The principal amount outstanding under the bilateral agreement between the Russian Federation and the Portuguese Republic signed on November 3, 1997, implementing the 1996 Paris Club Agreement (the "Fourth Bilateral Agreement") (after giving effect to the scheduled payment of principal due under the Fourth Bilateral Agreement on August 20, 2007), in the amount of USD 71,163,327.56; and
    b) The principal amount outstanding under the bilateral agreement between the Russian Federation and the Portuguese Republic signed on June 21, 2001, implementing the 1999 Paris Club Agreement (the "Fifth Bilateral Agreement") (after giving effect to the scheduled payment of principal due under the Fifth Bilateral Agreement on August 20, 2007), in the amount of USD 9,553,879.66.
    Article III
    Terms of the Repayment
    1.The Early Repayment will be made by the Government of the Russian Federation on August 20, 2007 (the "Settlement Date").
    2.On the Settlement Date, the Government of the Russian Federation will pay:
    (a) USD 80,717,207.22, representing the entirety of the Eligible Debt subject to Early Repayment;
    (b) USD 2,857,623.71, representing the scheduled principal payments due on the Settlement Date under the Fourth Bilateral Agreement and the Fifth Bilateral Agreement; and
    (c) USD 2,472,851.56, representing the interest due on the Settlement Date under the Fourth Bilateral Agreement and the Fifth Bilateral Agreement.
    3.The payments due on the Settlement Date will be made in cash in U.S. dollars to the following account:
  1.    Bank:                          The Chase Manhattan Bank - New York 
       SWIFT BIC:                     CHASUS33 
       CHIPS:                         CP0002 
       FED:                           FW021000021 
       Account name:                  Direccao Geral do Tesouro 
       Account ber:                544772092 
  2. Article IV Discharge Upon payment in accordance with the terms of this Agreement by the Government of the Russian Federation of all amounts due under Article III.2, the Portuguese Republic acknowledges that all of the principal outstanding under the Fourth Bilateral Agreement and the Fifth Bilateral Agreement, and all related interest, will be discharged in full, and that both the Fourth Bilateral Agreement and the Fifth Bilateral Agreement will be of no further legal effect.
    Article V
    Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange Within 10 days of the Settlement Date, the Government of the Portuguese Republic will deliver to Vnesheconombank, as agent of the Government of the Russian Federation, all original promissory notes and bills of exchange evidencing external debt of the former USSR discharged pursuant to Article IV hereof.
    Article VI
    Entry into force
    This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of its signature.
    Signed in Moscow, on August 17, 2007 in two originals in the English language.